Posted Mon, 04/27/2009 - 16:28
India Export Import Data
- Infodriveindia - Online Indian Customs Export Import Trade Data complied from Indian Customs and Ports.
DGFT India Directorate General of Foreign Trade
- DGFT - New Delhi India and JDGFT Website Regional Contact Offices New Delhi Mumbai Chennai Kolkata and Bangalore.
India Manufacturers Directory
- Indian suppliers - Indiabizone provides listings for manufacturers, suppliers, importers and exporters. List your company and grow your business.
SEA-EX Seafood,Fishing,Marine Directory
- SEA-EX Seafood, Fishing, Marine Portal - Information and marketing portal for the Seafood, Fishing, Marine, Angling, Aquaculture and Diving Industries. Industry contacts in over 155 countries, marketing assistance, trading platforms.
Malaysian Manufacturers Directory and Trade Portal
- Malaysian Manufacturers Directory and Trade Portal - Malaysia largest manufacturers directory and trade portal over 4,000 manufacturers listed online. Find out what Malaysia can offers to the world.
GlobalMarket Group - Premium B2B lead in China
- GlobalMarket Group - Premium B2B lead in China, which is dedicated to offering integrated international marketing services for domestic manufacturers, as well as integrated sourcing services for global buyers. We are to build up a uniformed and effective international trading e-platform, including Manufacturer Matching, Logistics and Trade Financing, etc.